Showing posts with label Digital Marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Digital Marketing. Show all posts

Feb 15, 2013

4 Sureshot Ways of Improving your Bounce Rate

4 Sureshot Ways of Improving your Bounce Rate FrontFirst of all, what is bounce? In the language of web development, bounce refers to a situation when a visitor comes or lands on your webpage reads/glances at your content, closes the webpage and supposedly moves over to another webpage. 

Now let me tell you, you sincerely do not want people bouncing off your website. This would refute all your plans of making money through ads; Worse, the posts you've written before will go to vain because your potential high valued visitor has flown away and so all the toiling you've done in inserting internal links in your page will go to vain.

Stay Stay Stay,

One of the best ways of improving bounce rate of any blog is by increasing the amount of time a visitor stays on the webpage. When the visitor stays longer he has the incentive to look at the links laid out by the developer and not close the tab and look for something else. Visit blogs and learn how to keep your visitors longer at your website.

Links anyone?

In the previous Para we saw how visitors can be hooked to the site by using internal links. But what are the ways by which you can show internal links on your blogs?
  1. Blogger blogs usually have a popular posts widget in them, which is something you can use to your advantage. Wordpress blogs have awesome plugins which can also be utilized.
  2. It would help your visitors to know what you’ve actually done during the previous months. So, some bloggers even include an archive section which might contain links month wise or year wise.
  3. Labels do help your visitors to look for similar content written by the author on the subject. Another attraction for the visitors to gain knowledge and the webmaster to gain loyalty.
  4. Not all articles are one pagers some have to be written in series, like for an example take a look at the following series by codemakit. Good news for Wordpress users, there is an article series plugin for the same.

The good old content

Content is the king, nearly every blogger would agree. Codemakit has talked a lot about useful content and content writing tips, so that would not be discussed here. But since the point is worth noting, so it is here.

Keywords man!!!

Whenever a visitor see your website on the Google search engine listings for a particular search item, he clicks on your link and enters with the hopes that you’re giving what he needs. But, if you have not reviewed your keywords, then your website is plunging in the doom, no matter what you do. When a visitor fails to achieve his quest from your website, he is bound to leave.

This was about,
4 Sureshot Ways of Improving your Bounce Rate MohitChar

Feb 4, 2013

Make your Visitors stay Longer at your website

Make your Visitors stay Longer at your website
Ever wondered what makes people stick to your website. What keeps them attached and prevents them from leaving your website? This article outlines all the working methods there are, to keep your visitors longer on your website.

Any blog to impart its full impact to its readers, there are 3 things to keep in mind:

The Ease of finding the blog and its links,
The Time taken by the visitors to go through your site and
The Ability to find what they’re looking for without hassle.

The effectiveness of your blog or its article is jeopardized considerably when visitors do not stay at your website. How? Let’s have a look.


When visitors do not stay longer, they will not go through your precious data and your conclusions and even your recommendations. This will increase your bounce rate, (Though it is not the most efficient way of determining a blog's fame). They will not have the time to find what they’re looking for and so they will not try out the internal and external links you've just placed.

Not only this, the visitors will not click on the ads you've placed in hopes of gaining some monetary value from your blog. The repercussion is even worse for commercial websites who thrive on the so called ‘call to action’, a term which denotes an action of the visitor like buying something or adding something to cart or even downloading.

So what should you do to make your visitors remain on your website longer? What should you do to keep your visitors interested in your webpage so that they hover around and not just bounce away? Who knows you might even double your visitors.

Remove Unwanted Page Links

Though it is important to link other websites regularly on your website and external links are one of the three important things, a website needs to get into top 500. But, Just as 'excess of anything is bad', keeping too many external links in your blog or webpage, act as incentives and opportunities for the people to move on to other websites.

This leads to lower visitor time and lower ‘call to actions’. Instead, write more and link your own posts and Webpages in your landing page.

Loosen Yourself

When writing a blog, you must understand that it’s just an article to be published in your blog and not a research journal with proper punctuation and extraordinarily formal ‘grey’ language to be published in a famous journal. Just loosen up a bit, use your own words and emotions in it. When people read your article, it will open up like someone is talking to them and we all like talking better than reading.

Your way of talking and writing combined will captivate your readers and compel them to stick to your article till the end. When you create an emotional connection with your readers, they will try to go to your facebook or twitter page.

They will subscribe to your blog feed and some will even comment on what they thought about the article and how it could be improved.

Watching is Believing

We all know that listening is better than reading, but what is better than listening? The only thing better than listening is seeing it with your own eyes. What is better than a video to indulge 2 of your most trusted senses to work?

When people click on the translucent triangle they’re transferred to a world of information, where everything is moving. The users will not have to browse through your article searching for points of intersection with their interests. So, make a YouTube account, make and add videos on the topic of interest and just embed the video in the blog post.

Seeing is Believing

Now this portion is in conjunction with the seeing is believing part, Videos are nice but they take up a lot of time from the blogger. What should you do when you do not have enough time to make a nice video? You make up images, colorful image do help in captivating visitors to see what’s inside.

The title must be large or in uppercase, it should not be misleading. The users must get what they came here after seeing your title. Subheadings keep it simple and allows reader to jump from one portion of your text to other without having to search for it. This lowers the bounce rates i.e. user leaving after finding the txt too boring.

Altius Fortius Citius

Your page must load with celerity; the loading time for any website is a crucial factor in determining if the reader wants to stay there or not. It forms the first impression of your website in the eyes of the visitor. Analysts claim that user has made his mind within first 3 seconds after clicking a link, whether he is willing to make the effort to dig out information from your website.

A higher page load time will lead to frustration and loss of interest. If you cannot make your webpages faster, just ensure you've made some changes to your homepage to make it load faster.

These were the
Time Tested Methods of Keeping Your Visitors Longer MohitChar

Jan 25, 2013

5 types of About Us pages for Web Developers

5 types of About Us pages for Web Developers Front
Presenting thorough analysis on the five main types of About us/me pages for web design blogs. 

The following are the different types – 'The Large company type’, ‘The funny man type’, ‘Veterans’, ‘Minimalists’ and the ‘Timeliners’. Read and find out which category you fall in.

The websites given as example in the article are properly linked with their respective about pages. You are free to visit for a better experience.

The Large Web Company type

The Large Web Company type
A classic example of a large web company is sitepronews or webpronews or even web design ledger (WDL). These websites’ ‘about page’ blares out loud, “You can try and ignore me, but I am WAY TOO big to be ignored.” The webpage starts with an ‘ignore-us’ type paragraph sans any links or large font headings, but then comes the blacksuit-sunglasses type language about the organization and its incorporation. All of this in a typical office like background in addition to a hefty contact information. But again there are exceptions of course, some of the companies do have a story to share, a tale to tell that too in a person to person language, don’t believe me, take a look at the ‘A list apart’ about page or sitepoint(close enough).

The Funny-man Type

The Funny-man TypeYou can even try the style adopted by coding horror, the ‘about page’ is written in simple first person peppered with small gimmicks using strike outs in some places. Needless to say it helps the visitor stick to the page and read it to the end. After the usual introduction with me and myself, the article takes the shape of a timeline about the author.
Though the about page must end here but, the page goes on and becomes a question and answer session.  The author, Jeff Atwood then explains why he chose to blog, how he does blog and why does he give such weird names to his creations. As a whole the, complete page is beautified with photos and images of website and logos and of course a smart photo of the author. He did not forget the ‘contact us’ phrase and has disabled the comments section.
Do not be misled by the term funny. Funny in this context might not always mean something hilarious, but something which touches your heart and makes an emotional connection with the author. An example is,

The Veteran Type

The Veteran Type
This type of ‘About Page’ always works well with veterans, who have been in the business for quite some time before (take Amit Agrawal for example). They have many-a-times touched the levels of greatness. The page starts with a life-sized picture of the veteran blogger probably pictured with a professional photographer. Then the text starts with the qualifications of the blogger, where he’s from and what he did before blogging.
To pull the audience in the loyalty circle, this page brags (in a positive way) about the achievements of the author. The works or projects undertaken by the author (like some website tools programmed by the author) which will help the reader to develop a connection, so that a moment comes when the user thinks (Oh so he’s the creator of the tool, he’s so awesome). Obviously the last part will contain contact information along with a small social media widgets like Facebook like box or twitter feed. You might use some vector social media icons so that when the visitor clicks on it, he is taken to the author’s social media presence.
Some veterans also use a YouTube video on themselves. Which is no biggie for them as they’re the holy grail of their field but it can be used as a tool to inspire the amateur bloggers to either like the page’s Facebook page or twitter feeds or even better, subscribe to the blog’s feed itself.


MinimalistsSome about pages are minimalist, like take shailan’s for an example, the guy is an expert in wordpress plugins but the about page is nothing like its usual blog post. The page, prepped with links is simple and just informs the visitors about what it does before ending with a ‘contact me’ phrase. Taking henry’s example, though he has taken a lot of space on the about page with his oversized fonts and beautiful pictures of his creations, but still hasn’t given a lot of information about himself. Though there is a link to his complete portfolio in the about page but you do not expect the user to scroll up and down in frenzy looking for his portfolio. Another example is ‘tutorial Blog’.

The Timeliners or The Timeline lovers

The Timeliners or The Timeline lovers
There are some people who love history, who love answering questions like how did this start? How did this come to life? They have been in the game for long but they’re not veterans. They rely on a timeline divided by years, months etc. to pronounce their achievements and milestones in their or their creation’s life. They’re the bubbly archivers who want to impress the readers by the sheer presence and many a times they succeed. For an example, you might want to take a look at chriscoyier’s about page. A  very good idea, if you decide to go for it, would be to create a javascript based timeline which opens up in front of the user while hovering on it (use your imagination!!!). Another very unique type of about page is of 37signals. The website contains a mixture of timeliners and the funnyman type. It is a fun to read.

Can you find some type other than the given
5 types of About Us pages for Web Developers MohitChar

Nov 3, 2012

Higher Blog Visitors Series Finale

Higher Blog Visitors Series Finale Front
In the previous article on the what to do series,

The things discussed were, the techniques and practices you need to ensure for higher blog visitors.

This article hereby compiles and provides you a list of activities, all in a single module, so that you get the bigger picture.

Other Articles in the series

What to do for higher blog Visitors? (Red Alert : First Priority)

What to do for higher blog Visitors? (Yellow Alert : Second Priority)

What to do for higher blog Visitors? (Green Alert : Third Priority)

Higher Blog Visitors Series Finale

Higher Blog Visitors Series Finale Strip

Content buildingContent building
Social networkSocial network
Regular postsRegular posts
Have your own domainHave your own domain
Research KeywordsResearch Keywords
Practice SEOPractice SEO
Manage feedsManage feeds
Improve looks and feelImprove looks and feel
Indirect social networkingIndirect social networking
Practice PRPractice PR

Oct 24, 2012

What to do for higher blog visitors (Green Alert : Third Priority)

What to do for higher blog visitors (Green  Alert : Third Priority) Front
You must have read all about, what should you do for higher site visitors and what must you do so that those bots do not shy away from your website, but love it. 

But you still cannot declare openly, that you've tried all that exists. No, not until you've read the following article. Now you might have read all about keywords and SEO in the last article, Now its time to go a little further. 

You may or may not have read the previous Articles to this series (Red Alert : First Priority and Yellow Alert : Second Priority), 

Now its time for the third and final article, i.e. Green alert, third priority.

Hyper Hyperlinking
You might have noticed now the importance of hyperlinks for the vitality of your blog. Now when you write a new post, link some words in the post to your previous posts, not only this, try linking words to sources other than your own website and Google will repay you when its bots visit your website (see how does Google rank your website).

Indirect approach to social networks
Same strategy applies to your social-network. Don't shy about what will people think, try and popularize your older posts through pictures, sneak peak at some writings, etc. Also try and make friends with bloggers on social networks, watch and learn their tricks. Not only social networks but also forums, and answering websites like, yahoo answers.

Use other blogs for reading
For better content, identify authoritative blogs and web sites for newer ideas and content, but remember never copy. Plagiarism will be dealt with, very seriously by leading search engines. Also format your previous posts written months ago, with newer formatting schemes followed by you in the present. For free publicity find websites that release press information on net.

PR with your potential Visitors
Regarding visitors, more your contact with them the better, Ask for feedback for your blog in forums, threads and social networks. Help visitors on other websites and point them to your blog if you think that your post will help them genuinely. Interact with them through social networks and through forms (for that Google forms are better than others) either . Show your presence by commenting on blogs (other than yours). not only this, but also respond to comments on your blogs and be sure to thank people for their generous comments. Also remove spam from the comments as they do not depict a good picture of your blog environment.

Be Omnipresent
increase connections by creating a name for your blog by signing up at different places and offering services, like YouTube, Flickr, Photobucket etc.

For More information on SEO tactics and content improvement, try out codemakit's 'The SEO and content Guide' free e-book in pdf.

Other Articles in the series

What to do for higher blog Visitors? (Red Alert : First Priority)

What to do for higher blog Visitors? (Yellow Alert : Second Priority)

What to do for higher blog Visitors? (Green Alert : Third Priority)

Higher Blog Visitors Series Finale

This was all about
What to do for higher blog visitors (Green  Alert : Third Priority) MohitChar

Oct 18, 2012

What to do for Higher Blog Visitors? (Yellow Alert : Second Priority)

What to do for Higher Blog Visitors? (Yellow Alert : Second Priority) Front
You must have tried out all the best possible measures to help you in your blogging spree, but what is you could make it even better? 

Have you tried out the following list of blog marketing and optimization tips ? 

In the previous article the top 5 marketing strategies for your blog has been discussed, which must be attempted before going bellow.

Now we're going to discuss even more, Take a look,

Make your Blog keyword Friendly

The first step towards showing search engines that you're there and you offer quality content is by actually displaying words that speak for themselves. Try to research keywords, justify your strategy and see if your displaying the right set of words on your blog. One thing that has been observed by several bloggers around the world is that you do not get visitors beyond a limit if you adopt a generalization strategy, i.e. by typing the most commonly used words or jargon used in your field, Keep researching keywords and develop a list of them. You may also use website tools and software for this feat like Keyword Discovery, WordTracker, SitePoint, WebSEO, SEOBook Keyword Research.

Make Your Blog Feed Friendly

Feeds are always an important addition to your blogging atmosphere, Feeds, according to wiki is "A web feed (or news feed) is a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content.", which, in simple words means another door open for your blog to find new visitors or to keep holding on loyal visitors. First Thing which must be done is to create a Feedburner account and enable feed tracking. Now let your feeds flow in the web by allowing ping functionality to your blogs, such that your posts are automatically updated in the eyes of search engines. Lastly to promote your feeds, you must submit RSS feed and Blog URL to RSS directories.

Make your blog SEO Friendly

SEO stands for search engine optimization (explained earlier), for now you must know that more the links going towards your webpage, higher will be ranked by search engines, So engage in link building campaigns. See your inbound links, traffic, comments and mentions of your blog. The procedure adopted by search engines in determining rank of a website has been explained earlier.

Make your blog... well, just Friendly

Though technically you've done everything to make your blog most palatable to your potential visitors and search engines, but still, One must keep in mind that the final verdict is of your visitors, If visitors like your webpage then they'll have to come and become loyal to you. In this way you'll ensure that your site visitor numbers never drop. It will indirectly help you in gaining sitters(visitors that read, religiously from your article) instead of surfers (Visitors which only reach your site from a search engine and then moves to another webpage when dissatisfied). For this process you must try to optimize your blog template, backgrounds, subscription options for RSS, social network links, breadcrumb links. Change the look of your blog by adding new improved and better looking sophisticated images, Patterns or image mosaics made preferably by a professional image editing software. Experiment with CSS styles, cursor looks etc. Try including your social network in your endeavors by embedding your social network posts or embed meaningful websites. In short change the looks and feel of your page to suit visitor or customer needs.

Once you've performed the above tasks you've nearly completed the check list for the best possible blog marketing.

For More information on SEO tactics and content improvement, try out codemakit's 'The SEO and content Guide' free e-book in pdf.

Other Articles in the series

What to do for higher blog Visitors? (Yellow Alert : Second Priority)

What to do for higher blog Visitors? (Green Alert : Third Priority)

Higher Blog Visitors Series Finale

This was all about,
What to do for Higher Blog Visitors? (Yellow Alert : Second Priority) MohitChar

Oct 5, 2012

What to do for Higher Blog Visitors? (Red Alert : First Priority)

What to do for Higher Blog Visitors? (Red Alert : First Priority) Front
People do love to blog, but what makes you differ from thousands of them blogging on a singular topic?

Usually bloggers try all sorts of techniques to keep their blog and websites filled with visitors. But, the question is have you tried them all? Have you exhausted all possibilities of popularizing your blog?

Bellow is a graph from google trends, about the number of searches on the word 'SEO' which will clarify the point.

A huge number of possibilities are there where you will directly or indirectly help in the growth figures of your blog visitor count.
The complete list has been divided into 3 parts, First being Red Alert, i.e. If you have left even one of these points, you are committing a grave crime by keeping your blog devoid of visitors at your own expense. The rest will be talked about in the next sections.

Red Alert

  1. First and the most effective measure that you must take is to have your own domain, i.e. or, Though it is not of the highest priority for beginners. .
  2. Be regular in your posts and never take visitors for granted. An ideal post frequency of 2 to 4 per week is enough. But, If you want your posts to be daily, then just remember to lean on quality.
  3. For content building, the most important priority in your list must be Research, You might know better than anybody on a topic, but you would still need some organisation to make your post look acceptable, which will be possible if you research a bit on the topic (little will never hurt)..
  4. Be in at least one social network, such as Twitter and Facebook and use them to popularize your blog and its posts.
  5. Focus only on quality content building, Just remember top notch quality is always encouraged by Google search engine algorithm, readers and surfers.
This was all about
What to do for Higher Blog Visitors? (Red Alert : First Priority) MohitChar

Aug 18, 2012

Increase your Social media Efficiency through Pinterest

Increase your Social media Efficiency through Pinterest Front
Every one having an online presense tries their hand at social media networking too. But how to do it more effectively?

Pinterest one of the few top social networking websites, which uses the same old highly specialized marketing techniques like the others. Twitter had, since its inception, been interested only in the text form of social networking. YouTube (which can narrowly been described as a social network) features, video pod-casts from its users and for its users.

Though the rule is successfully broken by Facebook and Google+, the latter’s can be classified as exceptions to some degree. But, talking of Pinterest, it offers majorly picture based sharing. Though such techniques leave the social networking site to be viewed by people with higher browsing speed, which are not large by the way, but in this industry, it is worse to be a jack of all, than to be a master of one.

Increase your Social media Efficiency through Pinterest ScreenShot

Here are some dos and don’ts for pinterest users, which will surely set the base for a healthier and more popular pinterest page for you.

Try for daily pins at some intervals but not a group at a time.

This Golden Rule applies for every social network existing. The reason being, you cannot expect your fans around the world from different time zones to see your pin on their board just the time you pin it. Let us suppose you pin an item at 7:00 in the morning, do you expect your fans to sit around and wait for your pin. You have to assume they’ll open their pinterest account whenever they feel comfortable, so you’ll have to keep reminding them from your pins that you’re there and still produce fresh and quality content. Also you must have noticed a striking dislike for any page clogging up your social network space with their offers or their content,  Similar thing applies here too, so never push your luck by pinning several things together cause the person sitting on the other side may not share your patience.

Specialize your pins

Everybody in the management sector, knows that a highly specialized product is always looked up with quality and purity. This management strategy applies to pinterest too. Make your pins specialised and narrow the focus to a small space. For example, if you want to talk about gardening, better talk about methods used for better gardening, or on how to make your own kitchen garden, you will see the effects of your strategy paying well. You will be looked upon as an authority over the subject and will receive loyal visitors.

Increase your Social media Efficiency through Pinterest ScreenShot

Find and display content on Pinterest

For most people who are still new to pinterest and its ways, or for rookie bloggers looking for exposure on pinterest, you have one more advantage. You can even find more content from pinterest from leading authorities and then bend it to your liking. Now, remember you are not being asked to copy material and paste it on your board, but you just have to find ideas, remember you’re the authority on your subject, the other person is an authority on another subject, but somewhere your areas of interest will meet. For Example, you have a board on Kitchen Garden, but someone has a board on home-grown tomatoes, what you can do to improvise on the situation is to keep looking for his pins, subscribe to him. You will definitely learn something from his pins and then you’ll gain more trust from your visitors when they see your content. Remember, same will be done to you too.

Video Pinning, Always be open to Experimentation

Though pinterest is more of a picture sharing platform, but you can pin videos too, and as a result, you will add a tinge of uniqueness and freshness to your board as there are not many people who pin videos.

This was all about
Increase your Social media Efficiency through Pinterest MohitChar

Jul 12, 2012

Find Twitter Followers, A White hat Technique

Find Twitter Followers, A White hat Technique Front
Usually Getting Twitter users to follow you is a very tough egg to crack. The first and the foremost thing twitter users will look for, before following a website or blog or an author on twitter is the existing number of followers and the popularity of your creation.

Getting a decent number of followers may take time, but many resort to black hat techniques. The reason why these techniques are known as black hat is because search engines like Google and Yahoo flag these as a process of cheating.

As the search engines look at a twitter page and ranks according to the number of followers and the amount of activities and then finally the number and rank of people you're following.

Thus it is a challenge to find a website, which offers only organic traffic. One such website which goes through these obstacles is Twellow, a product of webpronews. The signup procedure for the website is smallest possible and then you just have to connect your twitter account to your twellow application and you're good to go.

Once you're in, the next simple step is to browse through the many galleries and find out the right people to follow. once you've created a nice circle of like minded people, twitter users will come to you. One tip, to get followers try to find out people who have their followers nearly equal to the people they are following.

The website offers analysis of developments on websites and blogs in addition to tutorials and insights for increasing traffic, design etc. The online giant also includes financial, legal and political issues on online businesses.

This was all about
Find Twitter Followers, A White hat Technique MohitChar

Jun 23, 2012

Create a flash mobile website

Create a flash mobile website Front
A fully functional and sophisticated mobile site is any webmaster's dream, but to convert that dream into reality, might not be that difficult as it looks.

Though there are many different ways to convert your site into mobile site and easier to convert a blog into a mobile blog, presents to you that opportunity.

The concept of Flash came up with an application named SmartSketch by Jonathan Gay. Now, the software was published by a company named FutureWave Software.

It was a drawing application for pen computers running the PenPoint Operating System. Macromedia labs, Now known as Adobe AIR now pertains to the creation and commision of flash based mobile content.

The website has been among the top web service providers with and freewebs who let users create their own free website. It is equally famous for letting users create flash webpages and alter facebook pages.

Wix was founded in 2006 by Avishai Abrahami, Nadav Abrahami and Giora Kaplan and was released open-beta in June of 2008. The company, headquartered in New York, with offices in San Francisco and Tel Aviv, is backed by investors Insight Venture Partners, Mangrove Capital Partners, Bessemer Venture Partners and Benchmark Capital.

Once you've signed up at the register page, you will be redirected to your dashboard which might look like this.
Click on the Icon which resembles a mobile.
Now you will start a Step by Step Process of creating your own flash mobile site.

Firstly, choose a template, Then Enter your Site Title, and choose Category,

Create a flash mobile website ScreenShot 

Your site will be filled with buttons, choose a button and customize it, don't forget to check the layout.

Now, for flaunting your photographs, you may click on one, select from a list or upload new if you don't have any. Then add name and description. You will notice Instant preview at the right part of the screen.

Finally, when you've selected all those you need to edit and are happy with your job, you can click on next and move on. Your mobile site is now ready and you will have the option for the link to be sent to your email. The site will be best viewed on a smart phone, however it has bee successfully tried on other phones too.

Create a flash mobile website Congrats

This is How you,
Create a Mobile Flash Site MohitChar

Jan 7, 2012

Analyse your twitter page, effectively

Analyse your twitter page, effectively Front
How do you turn your twitter activity into an infographic showing your top followers, content, geographic impact and more? 

The answer is as simple as anything, Vizify. Vizify's TweetSheet showcases revealing details from your tweetstream, including: top followers, geographic impact, most-retweeted posts, and more.

The tweetsheet provides you a series of high quality analysis of your twitter data, better than any other. A complete graph of your tweet activity, maximum to 3200 tweets, The graph is one of the most important analysing tool, at Vizify.

 Vizify ScreenShot

In the most posts retweeted panel, Your recent tweets are shown that were most often retweeted, with the number of retweets shown in the badge.

Vizify ScreenShot

In the favorite themes panel, proper nouns, place/person names, etc. are shown that showed up often in your recent posts. The size of the presentation reflects the frequency of your use of that word/phrase.
Vizify ScreenShot

In the Best followers panel, vizify shows the followers who have been mentioning you the most in the recent past, with the number of mentions highlighted in the badge.

Nov 16, 2011

Personify your Facebook page through Wix

With the advent of facebook pages, web designers have always been in the seach of a good technique to personify their pages on this highly acclaimed social networking site. You too can personify your pages and add nice little additions of your own.

The facebook app, wix your page claims 'The WixYourPage application enables users to create super-cool Facebook Pages with fully integrated Flash Wix websites. Make your Facebook page stand out by spicing it up with Wix.'

 First step is ofcourse having a facebook page ready with yourself as its admin.

For newbies -
Here is where you can create your facebook page.

And Here is how you can do it.

To start personifying your page you need to go to the WIX facebook app at

1.> click on go to app.

2.> click on the blue box at the top right corner of the page.

3.> You will be diverted to Wix website

4.> To create your page, you need to login/register.

5.> After the process click on create and you will be sent to a template page. Choose any nice template and click.

6.> Once clicked you'll be taken to the template (be sure to chose the free one else you'll be asked to upgrade to premium. Premium sites will be tempting but have a hold on you ), just click on edit at the top right corner.

7.>Next you'll be maneuvered to the editing site.

8.> You just have to click on text to edit.

9.> Inserting pics too is easy.

10.> Finally for advanced users you may also resort to flash content.

11.> After that just click on Publish.

 And you're done, the page will be added to your facebook page as a tab, with name My site.

Final product looks like this bellow (codemakit facebook page) at

Article Number UAN#023CMKT