Jan 7, 2012

Analyse your twitter page, effectively

Analyse your twitter page, effectively Front
How do you turn your twitter activity into an infographic showing your top followers, content, geographic impact and more? 

The answer is as simple as anything, Vizify. Vizify's TweetSheet showcases revealing details from your tweetstream, including: top followers, geographic impact, most-retweeted posts, and more.

The tweetsheet provides you a series of high quality analysis of your twitter data, better than any other. A complete graph of your tweet activity, maximum to 3200 tweets, The graph is one of the most important analysing tool, at Vizify.

 Vizify ScreenShot

In the most posts retweeted panel, Your recent tweets are shown that were most often retweeted, with the number of retweets shown in the badge.

Vizify ScreenShot

In the favorite themes panel, proper nouns, place/person names, etc. are shown that showed up often in your recent posts. The size of the presentation reflects the frequency of your use of that word/phrase.
Vizify ScreenShot

In the Best followers panel, vizify shows the followers who have been mentioning you the most in the recent past, with the number of mentions highlighted in the badge.