Apr 30, 2012

The internet Archivist

The internet archivist Front
The Internet Archive is a non-profit organisation that was founded to build an Internet library. Its purposes include offering permanent access for researchers, historians, scholars, people with disabilities, and the general public to historical collections that exist in digital format. Founded in 1996 and located in San Francisco, the Archive has been receiving data donations from Alexa Internet and others.

The Wayback Machine is an historical archive of preserved web pages. Type in a URL and start surfing through time. Most societies agree that it is important to preserve artifacts of their culture and heritage. Without such artifacts, civilization has no memory and no mechanism to learn from its successes and failures. Our culture now produces more and more artifacts in digital form. Internet Archive’s mission is to help preserve those artifacts and create an Internet library for researchers, historians, and scholars. The Archive collaborates with institutions including the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian.

The archive of pages goes back to 1996.  The original Wayback Machine interface was released in 2001 with about 10 billion pages.

Here is a comparison between the update frequency of a country specific website and a generic one.
The internet Archivist ScreenShot The internet Archivist ScreenShot

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The internet Archivist MohitChar