Aug 27, 2011

Foursquare, the Next Buzz..

There’s a reason Google is working at a rapid pace to bring location services to the forefront of many of its products (Maps, Search, Latitude, etc) — new potential business models.

This is because of a simple logic, you can link very well with people living closeby, than those, living far. And so foursquare came into being. 
Foursquare seems to be an unstoppable phenomenon. The growth of users is staggering. In 2010, 93 percent of people from the ages of 18 to 29 have mobile phones. Thirty nine percent of people use location sevices like GPS on their phones. Seventy three percent of people use a mobile application to check in to social networking services. As of July 2010 there are two million users on FourSquare. There are 5.8 million businesses and locations on FourSquare. And, in June 2010 17 people checked into FourSquare every second as per With FourSquare, users can rate a business they are visiting, for example, ‘the food is great here at Jain’s restaurant,’ and send out the message to all users in the network, sometimes thousands of people. The tips or reviews of the businesses pop up on other network users’ phones when they look up or are near the location of the business.  This is free publicity for your business, and if people like what you offer, it is the best kind of publicity – word of mouth.

The Inside of foursquare too is great.
Ranging from simple menu bars to blue boxes

Like all other social networking sites, It too is available on mobile.


And above all you can make lots and lots of friends.


Its business perspective will be touched later.

Article Number UAN#012CMKT