Nov 10, 2011

Include a favicon to your site, simplified & free-ified

Favicon (pronounced fav-eye-con) is short for 'Favorites Icon.' A Favicon is a multi-resolution image included on nearly all professional developed sites.

Usually free hosting websites allow users to upload files to the root directory of a free website, but mostly it does not work while hosting favicons. he usual practice for a premium user who has paid for his/her website is,
1. Uploading your file to the root directory
2. Remember to name the file favicon.ico

But for freebies like us, we would use the round the corner way.
The W3C Defines 2 methods for favicon inclusion
Method 1 (Preferred): Use of a rel attribute value defined in a profile
Method 2 (Discouraged): Putting the favicon at a predefined URI

Both Methods are presented in detail at the Quotes Website.

However for simple inclusion just type in the code.

<link rel="icon" href="" type="image/x-icon">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon"> 

Now It is necessary to include both of the line together in your website.
Before that You should create a favicon first, this can be done by 
Now you should upload your created favicon, so that you may have an address.
Usually this can be achieved by the following

I would However prefer Picpanda. Just upload and get the address, substitute in the href parameter and you have a working code.

Include it in your website, and there you have, a favicon without upgrading your website to premium.

Finally you will have something that looks like

 Article Number UAN#021CMKT