Oct 15, 2011

Photo editor Online - Edit your images on the go

One of the great things about Pixlr-o-matic products are the amount of different effects that you can use to enhance your pics and images.

However this comparison is keeping in mind the amount of online websites which provide such atmosphere. Even though offline programs like Adobe CS or Corel Draw provide far better effects and quality then Photo editor Online, but among the online editors, this is one of the best.

The first screen when you reach the site is this, you'll be asked to click on an option depending on your requirement.

 Then comes the actual editor dashboard which looks like this.

The editor contains huge amount of tools and effects at your disposal.
with Lasso, Marquee and wand tools, it supports high level image editing too.
With control+N you may now open a new drawing where you may either copy your pic or make a new one.

Now since we, are through the first step, Editing photos will be given in the next post.

Article Number UAN#018CMKT